Upgrading from Wildfly 9 Realm to Wildfly 28 JDBC-Realm Database Authentication: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Germayn - hkhazo.biz.id

Upgrading from Wildfly 9 Realm to Wildfly 28 JDBC-Realm Database Authentication: A Step-by-Step Guide

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If you’re still using Wildfly 9 Realm for database authentication, it’s time to upgrade to Wildfly 28 JDBC-Realm. The newer version offers improved security, better performance, and enhanced features. In this article, we’ll take you through the process of migrating from Wildfly 9 Realm to Wildfly 28 JDBC-Realm, ensuring a seamless transition to a more robust and reliable database authentication system.

What’s Changing?

Before we dive into the migration process, let’s understand the key differences between Wildfly 9 Realm and Wildfly 28 JDBC-Realm:

  • Realm vs. JDBC-Realm: Wildfly 9 uses the Realm security domain, whereas Wildfly 28 uses JDBC-Realm. This change brings improved security and flexibility to your database authentication.
  • Database Configuration: In Wildfly 9, database configuration is scattered across multiple files. With Wildfly 28, you can configure your database connections using a single file, making it easier to manage and maintain.
  • Security Enhancements: Wildfly 28 introduces improved security features, such as password hashing and salting, to protect your database credentials.

Step 1: Prepare Your Environment

Before migrating to Wildfly 28 JDBC-Realm, ensure you have the following components installed and configured:

  • Java 8 or Higher: Wildfly 28 requires Java 8 or later to function correctly.
  • Wildfly 28 Server: Install the latest version of Wildfly 28 on your server.
  • Database Server: Ensure your database server is running and configured to accept connections.

Step 2: Configure JDBC-Realm

Create a new file named `jdbc-realm.xml` in the Wildfly 28 server’s configuration directory (`standalone/configuration` for standalone mode or `domain/configuration` for domain mode). Add the following content to the file:

<jdbc-realm name="jdbc-realm-example">
    <login-module code="org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseServerLoginModule" flag="required">
      <module-option name="dsJndiName" value="java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS"/>
      <module-option name="principalsQuery" value="SELECT password FROM users WHERE username=?"/>
      <module-option name="rolesQuery" value="SELECT role, 'Roles' FROM user_roles where username=?"/>

Modify the `dsJndiName`, `principalsQuery`, and `rolesQuery` values to match your database configuration.

Step 3: Configure Database Connection

Create a new file named `datasources.xml` in the Wildfly 28 server’s configuration directory. Add the following content to the file:

  <datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS" pool-name="ExampleDS">

Replace the connection URL, driver, username, and password values with your database credentials.

Step 4: Configure Security Domain

Edit the `jboss-web.xml` file in the Wildfly 28 server’s configuration directory to configure the security domain:


Update the `security-domain` value to match the name of your JDBC-Realm configuration (e.g., `jdbc-realm-example`).

Step 5: Test Your Configuration

Restart the Wildfly 28 server and test your database authentication using a tool like curl or a web browser:

curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:8080/your_app \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==' \

Replace `http://localhost:8080/your_app` with the URL of your application. If everything is configured correctly, you should receive a successful response.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues during the migration process, refer to the following troubleshooting tips:

  1. Check database connectivity: Ensure your database server is running and accepting connections. Verify the database credentials and connection URL.
  2. Verify JDBC-Realm configuration: Double-check the `jdbc-realm.xml` file for typos and incorrect values. Ensure the `dsJndiName`, `principalsQuery`, and `rolesQuery` values match your database configuration.
  3. Review security domain configuration: Verify the `jboss-web.xml` file is correctly configured, and the `security-domain` value matches the name of your JDBC-Realm configuration.


Migrating from Wildfly 9 Realm to Wildfly 28 JDBC-Realm requires careful planning and execution. By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll ensure a seamless transition to a more robust and reliable database authentication system. Remember to test your configuration thoroughly to avoid any issues.

Wildfly 9 Realm Wildfly 28 JDBC-Realm
Realm security domain JDBC-Realm security domain
Database configuration scattered across multiple files Single file configuration for database connections
Limited security features Improved security features, including password hashing and salting

By upgrading to Wildfly 28 JDBC-Realm, you’ll benefit from improved security, better performance, and enhanced features. Take the first step towards a more secure and reliable database authentication system today!

Recommended reading:

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Wildfly 9 realm to Wildfly 28 jdbc-realm database authentication”:

Frequently Asked Question

In this section, we’ll explore the most common queries related to migrating from Wildfly 9 realm to Wildfly 28 jdbc-realm database authentication. Let’s dive in!

What’s the main difference between Wildfly 9 realm and Wildfly 28 jdbc-realm?

The main difference lies in the way they handle authentication. Wildfly 9 realm uses a proprietary security realm, whereas Wildfly 28 jdbc-realm leverages a JDBC-compliant database for authentication, making it more flexible and scalable.

Why should I upgrade from Wildfly 9 realm to Wildfly 28 jdbc-realm?

Upgrading to Wildfly 28 jdbc-realm brings numerous benefits, including improved security, easier maintenance, and better performance. Additionally, Wildfly 28 provides newer features, bug fixes, and support for latest Java versions.

How do I configure Wildfly 28 jdbc-realm to use an external database?

To configure Wildfly 28 jdbc-realm with an external database, create a datasource in the Wildfly 28 configuration file (standalone.xml/domain.xml), define the JDBC driver, and then configure the jdbc-realm to use that datasource.

Will my existing Wildfly 9 realm configuration work with Wildfly 28 jdbc-realm?

Unfortunately, no. The configuration files and formats have changed between Wildfly 9 and Wildfly 28, so you’ll need to recreate your configuration to accommodate the new jdbc-realm format.

What kind of database is required for Wildfly 28 jdbc-realm?

Wildfly 28 jdbc-realm supports a wide range of JDBC-compliant databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server, among others. Choose a database that aligns with your organization’s infrastructure and needs.