Azure Log Analytics KQL: Unleashing the Power of Dynamic Data Extraction
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Azure Log Analytics KQL: Unleashing the Power of Dynamic Data Extraction

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Are you tired of sifting through cluttered datasets in Azure Log Analytics, struggling to extract the insights you need? Do you find yourself stuck with the dynamically sized AuditLog AdditionalDetails field, wondering how to project specific key values? Fear not, dear log analysis enthusiasts! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Azure Log Analytics KQL, showing you how to tame the beast of dynamic data and unlock the secrets of the AdditionalDetails field.

Understanding the Azure Log Analytics Data Model

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of KQL and dynamic data extraction, let’s take a moment to understand the Azure Log Analytics data model. Azure Log Analytics is a powerful log analysis platform that enables you to collect, analyze, and visualize data from various sources. The platform uses a data model based on tables, with each table consisting of columns (or fields) that contain specific information.

In the context of the AuditLog table, the AdditionalDetails field is a dynamically sized column that contains key-value pairs related to the audit event. This field can hold a varying number of key-value pairs, making it challenging to extract specific values using traditional querying methods.

The Power of KQL in Azure Log Analytics

KQL (Kusto Query Language) is a powerful querying language used in Azure Log Analytics to extract, manipulate, and analyze data. KQL allows you to write queries that can filter, sort, and aggregate data, as well as perform complex data transformations.

In the context of dynamic data extraction, KQL provides several operators and functions that enable you to project specific key values from the AdditionalDetails field. In this article, we’ll explore the `extract` and `mv-expand` operators, which are essential for taming the dynamically sized AdditionalDetails field.

The `extract` Operator: Unpacking Dynamic Data

The `extract` operator is a KQL function that enables you to extract specific values from a dynamically sized field, such as the AdditionalDetails column. The `extract` operator takes two main arguments: the field to extract from (in this case, AdditionalDetails) and the pattern to match.

let AuditData = AuditLog
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h)
| extend AdditionalDetails = extract("key1=([^,]+), key2=([^,]+)", 1, 2)

In this example, we’re using the `extract` operator to extract the values for “key1” and “key2” from the AdditionalDetails field. The `extract` function takes a regular expression pattern as its first argument, which specifies the format of the key-value pairs. The second argument (1, 2) specifies the groups to extract (in this case, the values for “key1” and “key2”).

The `mv-expand` Operator: Unleashing the Power of Dynamic Data

While the `extract` operator is useful for extracting specific values, it has its limitations when dealing with dynamically sized fields. This is where the `mv-expand` operator comes in. The `mv-expand` operator enables you to expand a dynamically sized field into a table, allowing you to project specific key values.

let AuditData = AuditLog
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h)
| mv-expand bagexpansion=dynamic(['AdditionalDetails'])
| extend Key = tostring(bagexpansion[0]), Value = tostring(bagexpansion[1])

In this example, we’re using the `mv-expand` operator to expand the AdditionalDetails field into a table. The `mv-expand` operator takes a single argument, which is the field to expand. We’re using the `dynamic` function to specify that the field is dynamically sized.

The `extend` operator is then used to project the key-value pairs into separate columns, where `Key` represents the key and `Value` represents the value.

Practical Applications: Unlocking Valuable Insights

Now that we’ve explored the `extract` and `mv-expand` operators, let’s put them to use in practical scenarios. We’ll examine two common use cases: extracting specific audit event details and analyzing application performance metrics.

Use Case 1: Extracting Specific Audit Event Details

In this scenario, we want to extract the “UserType” and “AccessLevel” values from the AdditionalDetails field for all audit events related to user authentication.

let AuditData = AuditLog
| where Category == "Authentication"
| where AdditionalDetails contains "UserType"
| mv-expand bagexpansion=dynamic(['AdditionalDetails'])
| extend UserType = tostring(bagexpansion[0]), AccessLevel = tostring(bagexpansion[1])
| project UserType, AccessLevel, TimeGenerated

This query uses the `mv-expand` operator to expand the AdditionalDetails field, and then projects the “UserType” and “AccessLevel” values into separate columns.

Use Case 2: Analyzing Application Performance Metrics

In this scenario, we want to analyze the average response time for a specific application, using the “ResponseTime” value from the AdditionalDetails field.

let AppData = AuditLog
| where Category == "Application"
| where AdditionalDetails contains "ResponseTime"
| mv-expand bagexpansion=dynamic(['AdditionalDetails'])
| extend ResponseTime = toreal(bagexpansion[1])
| summarize AverageResponseTime = avg(ResponseTime) by ApplicationName
| sort by AverageResponseTime desc

This query uses the `mv-expand` operator to expand the AdditionalDetails field, and then projects the “ResponseTime” value into a separate column. The `summarize` operator is used to calculate the average response time for each application, and the results are sorted in descending order.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of Azure Log Analytics KQL, focusing on the challenges of dynamic data extraction from the AdditionalDetails field. We’ve delved into the `extract` and `mv-expand` operators, demonstrating their power in unlocking valuable insights from your log data.

By mastering KQL and these operators, you’ll be able to tame the beast of dynamic data, extracting specific key values from the AdditionalDetails field with ease. Whether you’re analyzing audit events, application performance metrics, or other log data, Azure Log Analytics KQL provides the tools you need to unlock the full potential of your log data.

Additional Resources

Operator Description
`extract` Extracts specific values from a dynamically sized field
`mv-expand` Expands a dynamically sized field into a table

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Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on how to project specific key values from the dynamically sized AuditLog AdditionalDetails field in Azure Log Analytics KQL!

What is the AuditLog AdditionalDetails field, and why is it dynamically sized?

The AuditLog AdditionalDetails field is a JSON-structured field that contains additional information about the audit event, such as user agent, client IP, and more. It’s dynamically sized because the actual keys and values vary depending on the type of audit event and the data provided by the source system.

How can I extract specific key values from the AdditionalDetails field using KQL?

You can use the `extract` operator in KQL to extract specific key values from the AdditionalDetails field. For example, to extract the ‘ClientIP’ key value, you can use the following query: `AuditLog | extend ClientIP = extractjson(“$.[ClientIP]”, AdditionalDetails)`.

What if I want to extract multiple key values at once?

You can use the `extend` operator to extract multiple key values in a single step. For example, to extract both ‘ClientIP’ and ‘UserAgent’, you can use the following query: `AuditLog | extend ClientIP = extractjson(“$.[ClientIP]”, AdditionalDetails), UserAgent = extractjson(“$.[UserAgent]”, AdditionalDetails)`.

How can I handle cases where the key value is not present in the AdditionalDetails field?

You can use the `iff` function in KQL to handle cases where the key value is not present. For example, to extract the ‘ClientIP’ key value and return a default value when it’s not present, you can use the following query: `AuditLog | extend ClientIP = iff(exists(AdditionalDetails.ClientIP), AdditionalDetails.ClientIP, “Not Available”)`.

Are there any performance considerations when extracting key values from the AdditionalDetails field?

Yes, extracting key values from the AdditionalDetails field can impact query performance, especially when dealing with large datasets. To minimize performance impact, use efficient parsing and filtering techniques, such as using the `where` operator to filter out unnecessary data before extracting key values.