Hedges’s g Variance and Standard Error from Cohen’s d in R: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Germayn - hkhazo.biz.id

Hedges’s g Variance and Standard Error from Cohen’s d in R: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of struggling to calculate Hedges’s g variance and standard error from Cohen’s d in R? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process with ease. By the end of this article, you’ll be a pro at calculating these essential statistical measures in R.

What is Hedges’s g?

Hedges’s g is a popular effect size measure in statistical analysis, particularly in meta-analysis. It’s a standardized measure of the difference between two means, similar to Cohen’s d. However, Hedges’s g is a more accurate and robust estimate, especially when dealing with small sample sizes.

What is Cohen’s d?

Cohen’s d is another widely used effect size measure that calculates the standardized difference between two means. It’s a simple and intuitive measure that provides a sense of the size of the effect. While Cohen’s d is a good starting point, Hedges’s g is often preferred due to its superior accuracy and robustness.

Why Calculate Hedges’s g from Cohen’s d?

Calculating Hedges’s g from Cohen’s d is useful in several scenarios:

  • When you only have Cohen’s d values available, but need to report Hedges’s g for a meta-analysis.
  • When you want to compare the results of different studies that reported Cohen’s d, but you need to standardize the effect sizes using Hedges’s g.
  • When you want to calculate the variance and standard error of Hedges’s g from Cohen’s d, which is essential for meta-analysis.

Calculating Hedges’s g Variance and Standard Error in R

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of calculating Hedges’s g variance and standard error from Cohen’s d in R.

Step 1: Install and Load the ‘esc’ Package

The ‘esc’ package in R provides functions for calculating effect sizes, including Hedges’s g. Install and load the package using the following code:


Step 2: Calculate Cohen’s d

For this example, let’s assume we have a dataset with the following values:

Group Mean Standard Deviation n
Control 10 2 20
Treatment 12 3 20

Calculate Cohen’s d using the following code:

d <- cohen.d(x = c(10, 12), sx = c(2, 3), n = c(20, 20))

This will output Cohen’s d value.

Step 3: Calculate Hedges’s g

Now, let’s calculate Hedges’s g using the ‘hedges.g’ function from the ‘esc’ package:

g <- hedges.g(d = d, n1 = 20, n2 = 20)

This will output Hedges’s g value.

Step 4: Calculate Hedges’s g Variance

The variance of Hedges’s g can be calculated using the following formula:

Vg <- (1 / (n1 + n2 - 2)) * ((n1 + n2) / (n1 * n2)) + ((g^2) / (2 * (n1 + n2 - 2)))

Where n1 and n2 are the sample sizes of the two groups, and g is Hedges’s g value.

Step 5: Calculate Hedges’s g Standard Error

The standard error of Hedges’s g can be calculated using the following formula:

SEg <- sqrt(Vg)

This will output the standard error of Hedges’s g.

Putting it All Together

Here’s the complete code to calculate Hedges’s g variance and standard error from Cohen’s d in R:


# Calculate Cohen's d
d <- cohen.d(x = c(10, 12), sx = c(2, 3), n = c(20, 20))

# Calculate Hedges's g
g <- hedges.g(d = d, n1 = 20, n2 = 20)

# Calculate Hedges's g variance
Vg <- (1 / (20 + 20 - 2)) * ((20 + 20) / (20 * 20)) + ((g^2) / (2 * (20 + 20 - 2)))

# Calculate Hedges's g standard error
SEg <- sqrt(Vg)

# Print the results
cat("Hedges's g:", g, "\n")
cat("Hedges's g variance:", Vg, "\n")
cat("Hedges's g standard error:", SEg, "\n")


Calculating Hedges’s g variance and standard error from Cohen’s d in R is a straightforward process using the ‘esc’ package. By following these steps, you can easily calculate these essential statistical measures for your meta-analysis or research study. Remember to install and load the ‘esc’ package, calculate Cohen’s d, Hedges’s g, and then calculate the variance and standard error of Hedges’s g using the formulas provided.

Happy calculating!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mysteries of Hedges’ g variance and standard error from Cohen’s d in R!

What is Hedges’ g, and how does it differ from Cohen’s d?

Hedges’ g is a variation of Cohen’s d that corrects for bias in small samples. It’s a standardized effect size measure that’s similar to Cohen’s d, but with a slight tweak to make it more accurate, especially when dealing with tiny sample sizes. Think of Hedges’ g as Cohen’s d’s cooler, more reliable cousin!

How do I calculate Hedges’ g variance and standard error in R?

You can use the `esc_` package in R to calculate Hedges’ g variance and standard error. The `esc::hedges.g()` function will do the magic for you! Just feed it your mean, standard deviation, and sample size, and it’ll spit out the Hedges’ g value, variance, and standard error.

What are the advantages of using Hedges’ g over Cohen’s d?

Hedges’ g has a few perks over Cohen’s d. For one, it’s less biased, especially when dealing with small sample sizes. It’s also more accurate and reliable, making it a better choice for meta-analyses and other applications where precision matters. Plus, Hedges’ g is a more conservative estimate, which can help avoid overestimating effects.

How do I interpret the standard error of Hedges’ g?

The standard error of Hedges’ g represents the uncertainty associated with the estimate. A smaller standard error indicates more precision, while a larger standard error suggests more uncertainty. Think of it like a confidence interval – the standard error gives you an idea of the range within which the true effect size might lie.

Can I use Hedges’ g for other types of data, like binary outcomes or survival data?

While Hedges’ g is typically used for continuous outcomes, there are adaptations and extensions available for other types of data. For instance, you can use the `esc_` package to calculate Hedges’ g for binary outcomes or survival data. However, be aware that these adaptations might require additional calculations and assumptions, so be sure to consult the relevant literature and expert opinions.

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