Flutter does not work when Git Bash is installed?
Image by Germayn - hkhazo.biz.id

Flutter does not work when Git Bash is installed?

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Have you ever encountered the frustrating issue where Flutter refuses to work properly when Git Bash is installed on your system? You’re not alone! Many developers have reported this problem, and it’s more common than you think. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the reasons behind this issue and provide you with step-by-step solutions to get Flutter up and running smoothly, even with Git Bash installed.

What’s the culprit behind this issue?

The main reason Flutter doesn’t work when Git Bash is installed is due to the way Git Bash handles the system environment variables. When you install Git Bash, it sets up its own environment variables, which can conflict with the ones required by Flutter.

Environment Variables: The Unsung Heroes

Environment variables play a crucial role in determining how your system behaves. They’re used to store values that are used by applications and systems to configure their behavior. In the case of Flutter, it relies heavily on certain environment variables to function correctly.

The Git Bash Connection

When you install Git Bash, it sets up its own environment variables, including the `PATH` variable. This `PATH` variable is used to specify the directories where executable files are located. Unfortunately, this can lead to conflicts with the `PATH` variable required by Flutter.

Solutions to the Rescue!

Now that we understand the root cause of the issue, let’s explore the solutions to get Flutter working again:

Solution 1: Modify the System Environment Variables

This solution involves modifying the system environment variables to give priority to the Flutter installation directory. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Right-click on the Start menu (Windows) or the Apple logo (macOS) and select System.
  2. Click on Advanced system settings on the left side.
  3. In the System Properties window, click on Environment Variables.
  4. Under the User variables section, click on New.
  5. In the Variable name field, enter PATH.
  6. In the Variable value field, enter the path to the Flutter installation directory (typically C:\flutter\bin on Windows or /usr/local/flutter/bin on macOS).
  7. Click OK to close all the windows.

Solution 2: Use the `flutter` Command with the `–verbose` Flag

This solution involves using the `flutter` command with the `–verbose` flag to get more detailed output about the issue. Here’s how to do it:

flutter --verbose

This will output a detailed log of the commands being executed, which can help you identify the root cause of the issue.

Solution 3: Update the `flutter.bat` File

This solution involves updating the `flutter.bat` file to include the correct `PATH` variable. Here’s how to do it:

@echo off
set "PATH=C:\flutter\bin;%PATH%"
cmd /k "flutter %*"

Replace `C:\flutter\bin` with the path to your Flutter installation directory.

Solution 4: Uninstall and Reinstall Flutter

If none of the above solutions work, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling Flutter. This will reset the environment variables and ensure that Flutter is installed correctly.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

In addition to the solutions above, here are some troubleshooting tips and tricks to help you resolve the issue:

  • flutter doctor: Run this command to check for any issues with your Flutter installation.
  • flutter --version: Run this command to check the version of Flutter installed on your system.
  • Check for conflicting environment variables: Verify that there are no conflicting environment variables set on your system.
  • Restart your system: Sometimes, a simple system restart can resolve the issue.


Flutter not working when Git Bash is installed? No problem! With these solutions and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to get Flutter up and running smoothly, even with Git Bash installed. Remember to always keep your environment variables in check and don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you encounter any issues.

Solution Description
Modify System Environment Variables Modify the system environment variables to give priority to the Flutter installation directory.
Use the `flutter` Command with the `–verbose` Flag Use the `flutter` command with the `–verbose` flag to get more detailed output about the issue.
Update the `flutter.bat` File Update the `flutter.bat` file to include the correct `PATH` variable.
Uninstall and Reinstall Flutter Uninstall and reinstall Flutter to reset the environment variables and ensure a correct installation.

We hope this article has helped you resolve the issue and get Flutter working smoothly on your system. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Flutter when Git Bash is installed? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to get your Flutter development back on track.

Why does Flutter not work when Git Bash is installed?

This issue occurs because Git Bash and Flutter use different terminal emulators, causing conflicts when running Flutter commands. Specifically, Git Bash uses the `MINGW64` terminal emulator, while Flutter uses the `cmd` terminal emulator. This mismatch can lead to errors and prevent Flutter from functioning correctly.

How do I resolve the issue with Flutter and Git Bash?

To resolve the issue, you can try running Flutter commands in a new Command Prompt or PowerShell window, rather than in Git Bash. This will ensure that Flutter is using the correct terminal emulator. Alternatively, you can configure your Git Bash to use the `cmd` terminal emulator by adding the following line to your `~/.bashrc` file: `export TERM=cmd`.

Will uninstalling Git Bash resolve the issue?

Uninstalling Git Bash might resolve the issue, but it’s not the most recommended solution, especially if you rely on Git Bash for other development tasks. Instead, try the workaround mentioned earlier, and you’ll be able to use both Git Bash and Flutter without any conflicts.

Can I use Flutter with Git Bash in Linux or macOS?

In Linux or macOS, you shouldn’t encounter any issues with Flutter and Git Bash, as they use the same terminal emulator (e.g., `bash` or `zsh`). So, feel free to use Flutter with Git Bash on these platforms without worrying about conflicts!

Are there any other workarounds for this issue?

Yes, another workaround is to use the `flutter` command with the `–console` flag, like this: `flutter –console cmd `. This will force Flutter to use the `cmd` terminal emulator, even when running from Git Bash. However, this requires adjusting your workflow and may not be the most convenient solution.

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